What is PFL MEP’s quality assurance process?

We take pride in the quality of our work and have a strong commitment to excellence. Our team members grew up in construction, coming from a decade of family-owned construction businesses. This experience provides them with a lifetime of practical knowledge and expertise, in addition to their 20+ years of engineering design experience, providing us with a deep understanding of the industry and the technical knowledge to ensure high-quality work.

Our internal quality assurance process includes weekly quality control checks by the engineer of record. Additionally, project engineers are also involved with weekly quality control checks to ensure that work is proceeding according to the design requirements and industry standards.

We also have regular internal reviews and audits to ensure that our quality standards are being met. These reviews provide us with the opportunity to identify areas for improvement and to make necessary adjustments to our processes and procedures.

Overall, our quality assurance process is designed to ensure that our work meets or exceeds the expectations of our clients while adhering to the highest professional and industry standards.